I recent joined a Street Team on etsy. For those of you who are not familiar with the inner workings of http://etsy.com/, one of the feature in place to help out the sellers is the ability for sellers to form teams to provide each other with support and community. Teams get together and give each other advise, find ways to promote each other shops and just build a sense of community.
I have been an etsy member for 3 years and have never really felt compelled to join a team before. But the title of this team - Wild, Wise and Witty Gramdmamas - kind of caught my eye. Although I am not Wild (well, one night I stayed up until 10:30!), any wisdom I once had is long gone and my wit is often described by my children as being a little on the sick side, I thought that at least I qualified as a Grandmama!
So one of the goals of any Street Team is promotion! Today I am promoting three excellent Witty Grandmamas that are on my Street Team.
First, there is http://judysnow.etsy.com/. This is a wonderful shop that features many different types of items. I am drawn to the wooden toys because I now have a grandson. One of his latest tricks is to point to the sky when an airplane goes over - thus I love the helicopter!
Ah! Then there is http://elenamary.etsy.com/! Her jewelry is to die for! Please check out her shop and see the wide variety of things she has to offer. And, remember - Christmas is just around the corner!
I have always had an affinity for pottery. My house is full of it, so naturally I am drawn to http://jnpottery.etsy.com/ I am in love with this bowl! And her shop overflows with so much more! You really have to take a look-see!
In the weeks to come, I plan to feature more of my fellow street-teamers here. I hope that you all will take the time to check them out and find out all the treasures that are out there waiting for you. You could have all your Christmas Shopping done before Hallowe'en and tons of time to bake cookies!