My oldest daughter just had a birthday the other day. My youngest daughter is having a baby in July. I guess these two things combined to make me start remembering and thinking about having babies and how different it is today from what was way back in 1969 when my first child was born.
Remember? They made you stay in the hospital for a minimum for 5 days! Jeez! What the heck for??? And it wasn't even any fun! You did not have your child in the room with you. Oh No! The babies were all kept in the nursery behind glass. You could walk down there and stare through the window at your child - but you could not touch!
The nurse would bring your baby to you at feeding time all wrapped up tightly in a receiving blanket and you got the priviledge of feeding your child during the day. Not at night! You needed your rest, you know. And absolutely NO ONE could be in the room with you when you were feeding your child - not even the father!
Speaking of fathers - these poor guys never even got to touch their child the whole time they were in the hospital! They only could gaze at them from behind that nasty glass partition. They were not allowed in the delivery room and they were not allowed to touch their baby until the day you brought it home. How crazy was that!?
I remember one time when the nurse brought my beautiful little girl in for feeding and I just could not help myself - I unwrapped her from that tightly wrapped blanket. I wanted to count toes and touch her knees and just behold the wonder of it all. When the nurse came in and discovered my sin you would have thought that I was dangling her out the window by her feet! Man, did she scream at me! Oh the horror of it all. She snatched that child from me, wrapped her up and stormed out of the room leaving me feeling like the worst mother on the face of the earth! What have I done! I UNWRAPPED her! I have ruined her before I even took her home. Somebody shoot me!
Lots of other things have floated through my head about the differences between then and now. Things like no such thing as disposable diapers, plastic pants that got all crinkly and hard in the dryer, sterilizing bottles, tee shirts with snaps (no onsies back then) diaper rash (remember Desitin?), no car seats. Oh and this one - You absolutely NEVER put your baby to bed laying in his/her back! Heaven forbid. You must ALWAYS put your child to bed on its stomach - to prevent choking.
Yes, lots of changes between then and now. But one thing that has not and never will change - The joy of having a child. The wonder at watching him/her grow. The miracle of gazing upon a sleeping face and knowing all is good with the world.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Celebrating the Winter Olympics with ETSY
It wasn't difficult for me to come up with a theme for this week's blog about etsy. I mean, isn't everyone watching at least some of the Winter Olympic events. So I typed in "winter olympics" as my search keyword and was once again amazed at the number of items I was able to pull up and the variety of things available - both HANDMADE and VINTAGE. Again, it was hard for me to make my choices - but here they are:
I fell in love with this original oil painting by Janice Trane Jones. I love the period feel of this painting. I also love that it highlights one of the Olympic events that does not get a lot of coverage. This shop is filled with wonderful original oils (more that 50) and watercolors. The subject matter runs the gambit from country landscapes, sea scapes to flowers. Go on over and browse through this shop and give yourself a real treat!
I fell in love with this original oil painting by Janice Trane Jones. I love the period feel of this painting. I also love that it highlights one of the Olympic events that does not get a lot of coverage. This shop is filled with wonderful original oils (more that 50) and watercolors. The subject matter runs the gambit from country landscapes, sea scapes to flowers. Go on over and browse through this shop and give yourself a real treat!
On the VINTAGE side of things on etsy, I found this great set of cuff links and tie bar being offered by ReADressedResale. These are a great Vintage collectible from the 1972 Sapporo Winter Games. Perfect for the collector or the sports lover. They can be displayed or worn. This shop has a very interesting collection of vintage items that range from more cuff links, Fiesta Ware and clothing. You will surely enjoy your visit!
Back on the HANDMADE front, I found this great tile pendant celebrating the SPEED SKATER. This pendent has been upcycled from a scrabble tile by Indy&Cleo. This is a most interesting shop. They have all kinds of upcycled tiles that cover a wide range of subject matter. More speed skaters, flowers and geomatrics to name a few. They also have some darling Sock Monkey items and other original art. Give them a browse!
My final selection in the VINTAGE category is this beautiful scarf listed by MADMENVINTAGE. This is a beauty from the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Games. Remember that US Hockey Team? MadMen have an extremely interesting collection of vintage offerings. Thye seem to specialize in quality vintage clothing, but they do throw in some fun surprises - like globes, bow ties and even a typewriter. It is a fun step back in time to browse through this shop. I think you will really enjoy the trip!
Well, that's it for this week. If you have not visited etsy yet, please take a few minutes to check it out. Look at the shops I have highlighted here. Or, be adventurous and type in a keyword - any keyword - in the search box and see what you come up with. I think you will be surprised and pleased!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Gotta Love the Sun!
Wow! We have finally had two days in a row where the sun came out. Now, I don't mean it kind of peeked out here and there through the cloud cover. It actually came out and shone down upon me in its' full glory!
It felt soooooooo good! I think I have a "spring in my step". I did a blog a few days ago about gardening and sticking my toes in the mud but I have to now admit - that was really wishful thinking and faith. I mean, it really seemed like maybe warmer weather was just going to take a pass this year. No sun, no fun - or something dire like that!
But out old Mr. Sun came and now I can close my eyes and feel that warm mud oozing up between my toes! I can see myself sitting out on the deck, face turned up absorbing the heat, sipping an ice cold lemonade! Ah! Bring It On! Oh yeah, I can also hear myself lamenting the heat and wishing for the cooler weather to come back. Happens every year.
I guess I am just so darned happy that I live in an area of the country/world where I can enjoy the four seasons, anticpate the coming change and complain! Complaining about the weather is a favorite pasttime of us midwesterners - and thankfully - our weather patterns are very accommodating and condusive to complaints.
It felt soooooooo good! I think I have a "spring in my step". I did a blog a few days ago about gardening and sticking my toes in the mud but I have to now admit - that was really wishful thinking and faith. I mean, it really seemed like maybe warmer weather was just going to take a pass this year. No sun, no fun - or something dire like that!
But out old Mr. Sun came and now I can close my eyes and feel that warm mud oozing up between my toes! I can see myself sitting out on the deck, face turned up absorbing the heat, sipping an ice cold lemonade! Ah! Bring It On! Oh yeah, I can also hear myself lamenting the heat and wishing for the cooler weather to come back. Happens every year.
I guess I am just so darned happy that I live in an area of the country/world where I can enjoy the four seasons, anticpate the coming change and complain! Complaining about the weather is a favorite pasttime of us midwesterners - and thankfully - our weather patterns are very accommodating and condusive to complaints.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Spring is coming! Really! It is!
OK. So I am sitting here looking out the window and the snow is piled up to my knees, the thermometer says is a whopping 14 degrees out there and I think I should go put a warmer sweater on. So why am I thinking about Spring and gardening? Well, the new seed catelogues are starting to come in the mail, for one reason. That surely puts one into mind of summer and digging in the dirt and the smell of lilacs wafting through the air - right?
But another reason I have been thinking about spring and planting and toes in the mud is because I have been browsing around in etsy shops that carry all sorts of things for the outdoor garden. I was amazed once again by the variety of stuff that is on this site. It seems that no matter what your particular interest is, the talented folks over at etsy have something for you.
But another reason I have been thinking about spring and planting and toes in the mud is because I have been browsing around in etsy shops that carry all sorts of things for the outdoor garden. I was amazed once again by the variety of stuff that is on this site. It seems that no matter what your particular interest is, the talented folks over at etsy have something for you.
My Victory Garden is the perfect place to start your search for things for your garden. This is a beautiful shop that specializes in Heirloom seeds - both vegetable and flower. The lettuce pictured above is called DRUNKEN WOMAN LETTUCE! You just can't go wrong with that! Browse through this shop and you will find some hard to find seeds that will really get your juices running to get out there and plant something! And, this shop also offers gift certificates which is great if you need a gift for a gardener but really don't know for sure what they need or want - they can pick their own!
One of the best things about gardening is that it attracks all kinds of birds and butterflies to your yard. I really fell in love with this darling birdhouse from Jenny's Tole Shed. Check it out! This shop is full of all kinds of handpainted, unique items - not just birdhouse. It is well worth your time to brownse through.
The Succulent Garden is a real fun shop to look through. This shop specializes in homegrown succulent plants. You will find some great cuttings, rooted plants, air plants and so much more. I discovered some things there that I had never heard of before. This shop also offers Gift Certificates for ease in gift giving. Take some time to check out this most interesting shop!
The last shop I have chosen for this series on etsy is just pure eye candy for me! True Connection has a wide variety of items made from recyled wood. They have a motto "Saving Life One Tree At A Time!" You just have to love that! The artiistically crafted offerings in this shop includes birdhouses, birdfeeders, a wide variety of benches and tons of other furniture - both indoor and outdoor. I believe that you can also custom order things if you don't find exactly what you are looking for. Give this shop a look see and you will be amazed!
I hope that you all are enjoying this series on etsy. I am determined to hunt through etsy to discover all the wonderful things that are out there. My goal is to mix it up as much as possible and to find the unexpected. I also want to mix up the HANDMADE and VINTAGE as much as possible. I am open to suggestions on themes that you would like to see featured here. Keep those cards and letters coming, folks!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Flashes of Memory
I recently had an email exchange with one of my cousins in which I had shared a little childhood memory with her. It was a rather insignifcant memory - just something I used to do once in a while when I was a little girl.
But for some reason recalling this memory from my childhood seems to have opened a floodgate of memories. Ever since this email exchange, I have been having the most amazing flashes of memories from those days long gone by! Little vignettes of my childhood flash through my mind in little bits of what is almost like one minute videos of people, places and things that I have not thought about in years.
There does not seem to be anything special about the memories that come forward - they are totally random. They are not necessily memories of really important stuff either - just stuff. For instance, last night as I was falling asleep, I had a flashing memory of myself and a good childhood friend, Margie, running down an old gravel road barefoot! We were running and laughing and must have been heading somewhere fun! I mean, I could feel the gravel under my feet! It was a hot summer day and we were running so fast I was getting one of those stitches in my side.
I have never been one to always be looking back. Well, I do somethimes think about my childhood and feel lucky to have lived in the time and place that I did. See this early blog I wrote about my hometown of Winneconne. Once in a while through the years my kids will ask about life "way back then" and I would tell them about the games we played (Annie Annie Over, Kick the Can) or the things we did that I would NEVER allow them to do - like play in an old abandoned barn, take long, long (and I mean all day) walks just following the railroad tracks just because.
But most of the time, I am content to live in today. I acknowledge that my past - for better or worse - had a great deal of influence in shaping me into the person I am today. But otherwise, I just sort of left the past in the past. But I have to say these flashes of memories are fun! I rather enjoy laying in the grass again with Janie Gavin and watching the clouds go by and finding shapes in them. And I always loved swimming in the Wolf River so it was kind of fun to have that great flash of me running down the dock and jumping in and feeling that icy water cool my summer hot skin.
So come on memories - show me some more!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Time To Get Your Green on - Etsy Style!
You know what they say - On St. Patrick's Day everybody is Irish! So now is the time to get your GREEN on!
I was browsing around etsy and checking out all the St. Patrick's Day stuff trying to select some items to help me kick off my series to showcase the many shopping opportunities available on this astounding site. I really had a hard time making my selections - but here goes...........
In the HANDMADE category, I love this great pillowcase dress made by Little Sweetie Boutique. I can just see a sweet little leprechaun dancing around in it! Check out the whole shop. She has tons more of these lovely pillowcase dress in all kinds of fabric themes. I am sure you will find something there to please any little girl on your list. Most are available in the size of your choice from 6 months to 5 years.
On the VINTAGE side of things, I picked this really super

nice rhinestone Shamrock brooch. You will find this
in CricketCapers shop. While you are there, check out
all the other wonderful vintage items showcased there
They really run the gambit - clothes, purses, jewelry an
so much more!

My final find in the HANDMADE arena, was this super Kiss Me, I'm Irish apron by Grandma Hansen. Maybe you could put this on while you are whipping up that Irish Coffee! This shop is loaded with all kinds of neat stuff! She has aprons for every occasion. Many NFL themed aprons, aprons for kids, bonnets and hats for toddlers - just lots of fun stuff!
Well, that's it for my first in this on-going series to highlight all the talented folks over at etsy. I am setting a goal of once a week. I am going to try to change up the theme and keep a good mixture of both HANDMADE and VINTAGE. I welcome suggestions about themes for this series. In the meantime, check out etsy and see what you have been missing!
Linking problems
I apologize to anyone having problems with my links. For some reason they are not working in the posting I did yesterday. I am working with blogspot to try to figure out what the problem is. When we figure it out, I will make the appropriate changes so that you can use my links.
I will hold off on #1 in my etsy series until this is resolved.
And it isn't even Friday the 13th!
I will hold off on #1 in my etsy series until this is resolved.
And it isn't even Friday the 13th!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Wow! I have been really, really negligent with this blog. I knew it has been a while - just didn't realize how long of a while it had been.
I guess it is because I have been so busy with my shops on etsy. I have 2 now so I keep going back and forth between the two and never seem to have time for anything else. I have greatly scaled back on the grannyscloset shop while I try to figure out what I want to start making in the handmade category next.
Most of my time lately has been in the I Love Vintage Stuff shop that I share with my daughters. Vintage and antiques has always been where my heart was and I am so much enjoying getting back to it. There is something about the hunt for vintage/antiques that just makes it ever so satisfying to me.
In case you have not discovered it, etsy is a most wonderful place! It is a site that was established for people who make stuff and they want to sell it - all kinds of stuff - fine art, jewelry, clothing, bizarre stuff. Just think it and it is probably there. Later on, etsy also included persons who were selling vintage stuff (vintage being 20 years or older). When I saw that, I was thrilled. Now I could work with both of my loves all in the same place!
So, I am going to start a new series in my blog. Hopefully this will entice me to be more proactive with this blog stuff and maybe upload some pictures now and again. I am going to try at least once a week to may a blog entry to highlight some of the GREAT FINDS on etsy. I probably will try to have a theme to each entry. I know for sure that I am going to mix it up as much as possible - some HANDMADE and some VINTAGE. I love both!
So my next blog entry will be my first in the series. Hopefully it won't be the last! Give me some feedback. Do you like it? Have a theme suggestions. Get a new hobby?
I guess it is because I have been so busy with my shops on etsy. I have 2 now so I keep going back and forth between the two and never seem to have time for anything else. I have greatly scaled back on the grannyscloset shop while I try to figure out what I want to start making in the handmade category next.
Most of my time lately has been in the I Love Vintage Stuff shop that I share with my daughters. Vintage and antiques has always been where my heart was and I am so much enjoying getting back to it. There is something about the hunt for vintage/antiques that just makes it ever so satisfying to me.
In case you have not discovered it, etsy is a most wonderful place! It is a site that was established for people who make stuff and they want to sell it - all kinds of stuff - fine art, jewelry, clothing, bizarre stuff. Just think it and it is probably there. Later on, etsy also included persons who were selling vintage stuff (vintage being 20 years or older). When I saw that, I was thrilled. Now I could work with both of my loves all in the same place!
So, I am going to start a new series in my blog. Hopefully this will entice me to be more proactive with this blog stuff and maybe upload some pictures now and again. I am going to try at least once a week to may a blog entry to highlight some of the GREAT FINDS on etsy. I probably will try to have a theme to each entry. I know for sure that I am going to mix it up as much as possible - some HANDMADE and some VINTAGE. I love both!
So my next blog entry will be my first in the series. Hopefully it won't be the last! Give me some feedback. Do you like it? Have a theme suggestions. Get a new hobby?
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